Osterbuhr nominated for Excellence in Education award


Jamie Osterbuhr, AEA 267 Teacher of Multi Disab SCI

AEA 267 Teacher of Multi Disab SCI, Jamie Osterbuhr, was among nearly 80 Iowa educators nominated for an Excellence in Education Award sponsored by the Iowa State Education Association, the Farm Bureau, WHO Radio, Staples, and KDSM Fox 17.

According to the Allison Bristow CSD & Greene CSD newsletter, “The Bearcat Clause”, Osterbuhr was recognized as an educator who “goes above and beyond and touches her students lives in ways that she will probably never know.”

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5 Responses to Osterbuhr nominated for Excellence in Education award

  1. Robin Morton says:

    This was a well-deserved nomination! Jamie DOES go above and beyond for her students with special needs. It’s exciting to have a peer recognized for all the hard work she does every day.

    I’m proud of you, Jamie!

  2. Kerri Wilson says:

    Congratulations Jamie. I am sure your students are proud.

    Best wishes for a great rest of the year!

  3. Jennifer Buseman says:

    Jamie- Congratulations on such a wonderful honor. It is great to see your hard work, dedication to your students, and your big big heart be recognized!

  4. Tracey Neuendorf says:

    Jamie is one of the most dedicated, hard-working, and caring educators that I know! She strives to get her students excited about learning and uses their individual interests to teach concepts. Mrs. O is one in a million! Thanks for all you have done for your students! 🙂

  5. Karen Trettin says:

    Congratulations Jamie! Your committment to your students comes through strongly in the contacts I have had with you. You are well deserving of this honor:)

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