The AEA 267 Board of Directors met at 6 p.m. on August 5, 2009, in the AEA 267 Conference Center for their regular meeting.
During the meeting, the board:
- Heard a review of the work and experiences of the AEA 267 Crisis Response Team from Stan Hanus (team leader) and other members of the team regarding their recent work in Aplington-Parkersburg.
- Accepted with regret the resignation of Andrew Meister, Teacher of Behavior Disorders (Devonshire), effective immediately.
- Motioned to hire Jon McEwan, Jr., Teacher of Multi Disab/Severe & Profound (Mason City); Rebecca Eness, Speech-Language Pathologist (TBD); Cam Turner, School Social Worker (Castle Hill School); Jared Pospisil, Teacher of Multi Disabilities/SCI (Union High School); Farrah Olson, Work Experience/Transition Specialist (Sectors 1,2,4); Jeanna Cripe, Teacher of Behavior Disorders (Devonshire).
- Approved 2009-2010 master contract with the AEA 267 Education Association.
- Heard the second reading of board policies #405.1 (sick leave) and #405.2 (vacation leave).
- Approved the contract with Pruckler Physical Therapy.
- Approved the 2009-2010 contract for Adaptive P.E. Services with Marshalltown CSD.
- Accepted with gratitude a memorial gift to AEA 267 from the family of Deb McGowan. An outdoor bench will be placed near the front entrance of the AEA 267 Marshalltown conference center.
- Approved the consortium agreement between Mid-Iowa School Improvement (MISIC) Consortium and Bremwood providing access to MAP tests.
- Approved the transportation agreement between EPI, INRTC and AEA 267.
- Approved the agreement with Iowa Falls Community Schools for lease of office facilities in Iowa Falls.
- Approved the contract with the Iowa Juvenile Home to purchase psychologist services from AEA 267.
- Reviewed the mileage reimbursement rate. The board elected to maintain the current mileage rate.
- Approved contracts with North Iowa Community Action for Project Child Care and Head Start.
- Approved the contract with Iowa State University for LEA Administrator Technology Professional Development for 2009-2010.
- Approved renewal of the partner contract with Exceptional Persons for provision of Early ACCESS services.
- Approved the architectural contract and authorized preliminary window and door projects for the Clear Lake remodeling work.
- Heard a variety of reports from directors and fellow board members.