Thank you to the 545 staff members who responded to the Des Moines Register Iowa’s Top 100 Workplaces survey. Recently, a sample of the results were shared with the AEA 267 Human Resources Office revealing the following:
Workplace statements asked on the survey were grouped around six factors including: “Alignment” (e.g. the agency is going in the right direction), “Execution” (doing things efficiently and well), “Connection” (feeling genuinely appreciated, reaching individual potential), “My Job” (training, expectations, flexibility, etc.), “My Manager” (cares about employees, helps me learn and grow, makes it easier to do my job, etc.); and “My Pay & Benefits”. The agency scored highest in the “My Manager” category. The lowest scored category was “Execution”.
Unfortunately, the company that administers the survey, Workplace Dynamics, has explained that in order for us to receive the full results, the agency would need to pay over $6,000 for even a basic report and over $17,000 for an expanded report. Given the fact that we already have data from our own internal continuous improvement survey, a decision was made not to spend the funds for the full results and to abandon our pursuit of the “Top 100 Workplaces” designation.