Feedback needed: Educator development preliminary recommendations

Iowans who make up the Council on Educator Development have spent the past two years studying teacher and administrator evaluation practices and professional development. This document represents their preliminary recommendations. The council now needs feedback on these recommendations from Iowa’s education community, including superintendents, principals, teachers, AEA professionals, and school board members.

The following link leads to an online survey, which includes instructions for submitting feedback: The survey will be open through November 30, 2015. All survey feedback will remain anonymous.

Gathering input is critical not only to this process, it is required by law. The council was formed in the fall of 2013 in response to an education reform package adopted by Iowa lawmakers that year. The legislation, House File 215, calls for a period of feedback beginning October 1, 2015. Once the feedback is collected and analyzed, the council will use it to develop a final report in November 2016.

The council has carefully studied Iowa’s current system of evaluation in Iowa Code Chapters 284 and 284(a), as well as research and practices across the country.

The term “teacher” in the bill refers to certified staff and includes AEA staff.  AEA administrative staff are also welcome to give feedback.

Shared on behalf of Ryan Wise, Ed.L.D., Director, Iowa Department of Education. Phone: (515) 281-3436.


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