Help spread the word about stopping the summer slide

Teachers and parents know that with the joy of summer also comes the lazy days of potential summer learning slide. Sitting idle for as long as three months could potentially undo the gains made throughout the year and affect how successfully a student will adjust to the coming new school year. Central Rivers AEA, in cooperation with Mackin, has developed two summer reading resource websites called I Want To Read. One website has materials for grades K-5 and the other is for middle and high school students.

On both websites, there are links to eBooks within your school’s MackinVIA portal, as well as links to a summer reading journal and other book-related activities. These resources are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all summer long.

There is also a webpage on the Central Rivers AEA website called Media Services GetMedia Resources with materials to go along with these summer reading resources, including a sample parent letter and templates for bookmarks and posters.

MackinVIA is an online eBook resource that is provided by Central Rivers AEA for access by students and teachers 24-hours a day, year round. Parents interested in accessing this resources should contact their child ’s school building/district teacher librarian for more information regarding login. Parents can also contact staff at Central Rivers AEA at

If you have more specific questions regarding the Central Rivers AEA summer reading resources, please contact Cheryl Carruthers or Cari Teske, Central Rivers AEA librarians. Information, including a promotional video, is being shared via the agency’s Facebook page. Please watch and share with others!

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