Thanks to the nearly 230 of you who completed the recent staff survey! We appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback, as it helps us identify your needs and how we can support them.
At the beginning of the year we hoped that positivity and flexibility would be a common theme. We can see it on display all over the place, and just want to express our gratitude for rising to the challenges in front of you. We have heard from districts, and they report that things are obviously different this year, but CRAEA staff continues to meet their needs and provide excellent and timely services. Keep up the great work!
A note on mental health since this topic comes up a lot in conversations related to the pandemic. Oftentimes anxiety comes from looking backward or trying to look into the future, and worrying because we just don’t know what is going to happen. Try and stay in the here and now and control the things that you can. The year is going very well at this point, and you are doing an amazing job given the circumstances. If we can help in any way, please let us know. We are in this together!
Finally, a few expressed an interest in having a document that they could use if pressed when asking students or staff to wear a mask. Feel free to download this letter to assist in explaining the agency’s stance.
Here is a summary of the results and key themes from the survey:
Common themes:
- Being able to interact and serve again
- People are awesome
- A lot of support from everyone
- Improved tech skills
- Have gotten closer with my co-workers
- Great experiences going to virtual services
- A lot of grace
- Flexibility
78% of staff “Strongly Agree” or “Agree” that they feel safe performing their job duties at this time.
Common themes:
- Glad that I can now ask others to wear a mask
- Nothing more the organization could do
- Additional supplies —
- Note: Please contact your discipline lead for additional discipline specific PPE supplies. We have additional supplies, and can order more if needed.
- Agency doing a great job
- Continue to provide flexibility – virtual options
- Keep up the communication
- Continue to follow the CDC guidelines
- A recognition that some areas are outside of ability to control (as an individual or as an organization)
89% of staff “Strongly Agree” or “Agree” that they feel productive with their job duties at this time.
Common themes:
- Need some additional assistance with the I page
- There have been a lot of changes due to the pandemic…getting back to “normal” would really help me feel more productive
- Continue to recognize the stress and workload
- Create a longer day?
- Thanks for cancelling the October regional date…a lot of paperwork and count date looming
- Continue to offer flexibility with RWS…less drive time
Biggest concern
- Sp Ed Count —
- Note: Amy Knupp recently provided some additional guidance on Count Date. Hopefully, the updated guidance she shared helps reduce the stress/anxiety.
- Continued health/safety in a pandemic for myself and others
- Catching up from spring
- That we will have to go back to being completely virtual
- Paperwork completion
- Getting back to normal
- Missing seeing people face-to-face
- That we stay vigilant in our safety procedures
- Please keep following CDC guidelines
- Determining the best way to provide virtual services
- Not enough hours in the day
How can we address your biggest concerns?
- Continue to support and provide flexibility
- Nothing the agency can do–just reality at this point
- Continue the weekly meetings with Amy Knupp
- Continue to communicate and get feedback
- Continue to provide supplies for safety
Additional comments or concerns
- Remote helps me be more productive
- Keep following the CDC
- Appreciate the care and concern
- I appreciate my colleagues
- The guidance and support from RAs has been awesome!!
- Appreciate the organization checking in