Who are the faces of the professional learning team and what do they do? Our Central Rivers AEA professional learning team is working hard to provide high-quality service and one way that we can do this is by identifying and sharing our roles and responsibilities, see the list below. You can reach the team at ProfessionalLearning@centralriversaea.org or (319)-272-8200. View or save the Professional Learning Team Workflow chart for more information. Please don’t hesitate to contact our team if you have any questions or need assistance.
Professional learning team member, role and responsibilities:
Kay Schmalen, Director of Professional Learning
- Lead, Inspire, Innovate series
- Approve and train instructors
- Communications to RAs
- Develops/updates instructor guides
- Oversees PL budget
- Contact person for CPI contracts
- Manages on-demand learning system
- Updates and manages PL webpages, blog and newsletter
Angie Gansen, Professional Learning Coordinator
- Manages contracts for PD learning
- Approves new courses
- Supports course proposal development
- Develops/updates instructor guides
- Oversees paraeducator process
- Contact person for CPI contracts
- Manages on-demand learning system
- Updates and manages PL webpages, blog and newsletter
Julie Danker, Professional Learning Assistant
- Approves vitas
- Point person for new sections
- Troubleshoots registration issues
- Submits grades to colleges
- Manages CRAEA staff course registration
- Communications low enrollment
- Manages chat line
- Manages front desk and phones
Corlene Collum, Professional Learning Assistant
- Approves vitas
- Oversees room reservations
- Troubleshoots registration issues
- Emails instructors for tech needs
- Orders course materials and office supplies
- Communicates with tech department
- Manages chat line
- Manages front desk and phones