INspired Leadership Staff Survey
Thank you to the over 300 Central Rivers AEA staff who have shared your needs and preferences regarding INspired Leadership opportunities. If you haven’t yet been asked or had the opportunity to respond to this brief survey, please do, as it will shape the content and delivery of future learning options.
As a reminder, the purpose of INspired Leadership is to increase our self-awareness of how we are “showing up” so that we can make conscious choices that help us achieve our personal and professional goals.
INspired Leadership Insights
With high self-awareness and intention, we can experience fear-based catabolic energy (which is totally normal and typical) and yet respond in ways where we lead with a more conscious anabolic energy. When we notice and become aware of our own energy, it’s more likely we will pause and make choices that serve us in that moment. Remember, catabolic energy isn’t good or bad, it just is. It may lead to emotions we’d rather not feel, but emotions are data, and what we do with them is up to us. Awareness helps expand our options for action!