To better serve you, we are using a new room reservation system! The easiest way to access it is through Classlink, but it can also be accessed via
All previous events have been moved over. As part of this new system, if you are the event organizer, you will receive a calendar event invite. Please accept this invite as a reminder of the upcoming event. Please note, if you decline or delete an event from your calendar, it does not delete the event reservation. All modifications to the event should happen in the system.
You will receive a reminder to confirm your event 10 days before the date it takes place on. This is your opportunity to make changes and or remove the event if it’s no longer needed.
If you need a room or space to work in and would like to use one of the rooms that are part of the reservation system and haven’t made a reservation, please check in at the front desk when you arrive so that we can point you in the direction of a room that is available for you. As always the glass rooms in Central Perk are available as a workspace, on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you have any questions, please contact the Professional Learning Team.