Central Rivers AEA is a Make It OK organization. Custom shirts are available to order from our Central Rivers AEA Empowered students!
What is Make It OK?
Make It OK is a community campaign to reduce stigma by increasing understanding and creating caring conversations about mental illness. Some important key messages behind this campaign include:
- Mental illnesses are common, treatable health conditions
- Everyone has a state of mental health, and it varies
- Stigma impacts everyone
- It creates shame, isolation and reluctance to seek treatment
- It disproportionately impacts vulnerable communities and people of color
- It is never too late to ask for help
Visit MakeItOk.org to learn more about the campaign and “What to Say.”
Take the Pledge!
The first step in helping to stop the silence is to take the pledge to Make It OK. By signing this pledge, you’re taking a stand against the mental illness stigma. Pass it on. Print it out. Tape it up. It can serve as a reminder to start more conversations and stop the stigma. Together, we can Make It OK. Take the pledge and Make It OK.
Interactive Online Learning Experiences
Dive into the Make It OK interactive experiences at your own pace to learn more about how you can help Make It OK.