Updates with Special Education

ACHIEVE Reminders – we are partnering with Keystone AEA to help with ACHIEVE data. This list provides you with the data tech assigned to each district and their contact information as well as the person responsible for the SIS within the district. Please review these reminders about ACHIEVE – our data techs are working hard to get things updated for fall and they are getting bogged down by emails – these tips will help reduce this. Access issues can be handled with these directions AEA or LEA.

  • ACHIEVE issues should be handled through the ACHIEVE ticketing system and not via emails to Nicole or other data techs (left sidebar under ACHIEVE Support, select Support Request or Support Email).
  • The district SIS is the source of truth for student name, date of birth, and grade level – if you have issues with accuracy, start with the district SIS – if this doesn’t work, submit a ticket (be sure to say you already worked with the school).
  • Facilitators must finalize IEPs, exits and enter a change status on consents.
  • Evaluation button missing – make sure FIIE consent is approved, then refresh.
  • Meetings can only be dated 7 days prior to the date the IEP is opened.
  • Amendments – when an Amendment requires a meeting it should be scheduled after the amendment is open – otherwise you will likely run into issues with finalizing.
  • Exiting:
    • PRC code doesn’t display until after the consent is changed to parent revoked.
    • When reeval meeting required – paperwork needs to be completed within 30 days of the meeting or it won’t finalize. Submit a ticket if the system is requiring a 2nd meeting.
  • If you are unable to assign teachers/staff in learners’ IEPs (prompts used outside of ACHIEVE), the learner is likely displaying at their resident district vs. attending. Submit a ticket with the attending district info.
  • The AEA Powerschool is used for students not in a district SIS. Submit a ticket with all demographic information to have a student added.

Family Verification in ACHIEVE: in preparation for the family portal launch, districts and AEAs are required to verify the contact information and role for each family in ACHIEVE. This means that Early ACCESS service coordinators and any AEA support staff providers with support only IEPs will need to complete this process in September/October.  We will be sending out specific directions once data techs have rosters updated. Watch for more information in the coming weeks. If your district(s) request that you complete this process, please assure them that you will have this accomplished by the due date and then wait for our direction. You will notice a banner on ACHIEVE and may get questions from teachers – encourage them to reach out to their principal for guidance. This document provides an overview of parent roles that need to be identified as part of this process.

Harvest: guidance doc – remember, we are only tracking services provided to districts. Your paperwork and planning time specific to students should be included in the amount of time you document for that building.

Special Education Count Date for 2024 will be Friday, October 25.

Live documents, helpful resources and guides can be found on our staff website.

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