Updates with Special Education

Hearing Screening Changes

Central Rivers AEA audiometrists and audiologists will continue to do class-wide hearing screening for Head Starts, Kindergarten, 1st and 5th grades. This is a change from last year – we are no longer screening preschoolers and 2nd graders. If you get questions, please direct them to the district’s Regional Administrator (RA).

Procedural Safeguards Manuals

If you need paper copies of the manuals for child find meetings or support only meetings, please contact Patsy Luker (Clear Lake), Sami Smith (Marshalltown), or Nicole Heiselman (Cedar Falls). If your schools are asking about getting more paper manuals, please share this ordering information with them – Creative Services is happy to help!

SE Count Reminders

  • All new IFSPs and IEPs dated October 25 or sooner must be finalized by the end of October. Our goal is to have these done by October 25 unless there are unique circumstances.
  • Be sure you are meeting the deadlines shared by data techs in regards to reviewing rosters if you are a support service provider.
  • Official count date is Friday, October 25, 2024.

Parent Validation Reminder

Early ACCESS providers and SE support service providers should be working to validate each parent on their roster. If you have additional questions, the DE has developed this FAQ to help. RAs are happy to help if you run into difficulties!

ACHIEVE Parent Portal

The DE developed this FAQ to answer questions regarding the launch of the parent portal later this fall.

Several important updates will be provided to LEA administrators this month through Superintendents meetings and Leadership Connections – be sure to review them.

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