To support a timely staff replacement selection process and assist in budget planning, the Central Rivers AEA Board of Directors approved an incentive be provided for Certified, NUSS, CWA, Administrative Staff and River Hills School staff who provide early notification of their intent to resign or retire at the end of the 2024-25 work year.
The proposed incentive would be administered as follows:
- Commitments of separation by resignation or retirement at the end of the 2024-25 work year, and
- Notification of resignation or retirement received in the Human Resources Office before January 2, 2025, and
- Accepted by the Board no later than the regular meeting on January 8, 2025,
- Will receive an early notification incentive payment of $2,000, payable June 20, 2025,
- Subject to the employee fulfilling their individual employment contract obligations for the 2024-25 work year. Staff resigning or retiring who separate prior to the end of the 2024-25 work year are not eligible for the early notification incentive.
- Staff must have worked for Central Rivers AEA for three full years to receive this incentive.
- Staff may only receive the incentive once per their employment with Central Rivers AEA.
Please note, paraeducators at River Hills with three full years at CRAEA are eligible for early retirement. As long as you fulfill your 2024-2025 contract, you will qualify for the early retirement incentive. To qualify, notify Karl Kurt, Director of HR/Assistant Chief Administrator, by January 2, 2025, if you plan to retire or resign at the end of the 2024-2025 school year.