A special note from the Professional Development office

Approval for participation in an AEA 267 professional development offering or for request reimbursement for materials will be done electronically through the following process:

  1. Open up an Internet browser on your computer (Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.).
  2. Go to:   www.aea267.k12.ia.us
  3. Under Quick Links, click on Professional Development then Internal PD Request (AEA 267 Staff)
  4. Enter the email login and password information you use for your AEA 267 email account. (Note that the login is everything before the @ symbol in your email address.)
  5. Click on Create a New Request
  6. Choose your Type of Request:
  • I am requesting approval to take a course and need a purchase order number to register.  This is for non fee-based credits (AEA 267 PD and No Credit).  You will receive a purchase order number and will register for the AEA 267 PD offering using that purchase order number.
  • I am requesting approval to take a course and plan to request reimbursement for material fees.  This is for fee-based credits (graduate, licensure renewal, substitute authorization and paraeducator).  You will receive approval to register and you will then register using your credit card.  Your credit card will be charged for the credit and the materials.  You may request reimbursement for materials through the same process by uploading your invoice onto the system after registration.

All steps in the request process will be done electronically. This system is set up to communicate the status of your request through emails sent to your AEA 267 email address.

Please, do not send any materials reimbursement requests directly to the Business office. Please call your Service Area contact for clarification or additional questions.

Service Area contacts:

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