A great deal of work was completed over the summer months to refine the evaluation process and convert all associated materials to Google. This change eliminates confusion regarding the sequence of evaluation steps, contains useful references for both the evaluator and the staff member being evaluated, and provides a more user-friendly format. You will find the link to the Evaluation Systems via the iVisions Portal >My Toolbox>Evaluation Forms>Staff Evaluation System.
Supervisors received training on the new system earlier this month. If you have not attended a Supervisor/Evaluator training session, it is highly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the updated procedures.
In the near future, staff members will receive a link their individual Google workbook that contains all of the pertinent forms and/or rubrics needed for the coming year. If you have questions, please contact your supervisor directly.
Special thanks go to Julie Davies, Kathy Enslin, Shirley Horak, Sarah Kundsen, Kim Neal, Laura Rinnels, Dr. Carol Sensor, Kay Schmalen, Barb Schroeder, Beth Strike, Lori Thomas, and Kerri Wilson for their work on this project.