All-staff meeting feedback: We asked. You shared.

Your opinion matters

Thanks to those who responded to the evaluation of our all-staff meeting day held last month. Here are the results and some common themes:

  • 80% of respondents viewed the meeting and activities as a good use of their time. We do understand that we have a wide variety of staff with different roles that we ask to attend. We don’t do it often, but getting everyone together, and celebrating the return of all the staff and the beginning of the school year is important. We will keep working to continue to improve the experience for all staff.
  • Over 80% of our staff found Tamara Konrade’s keynote message relevant to either their personal or professional lives (and in many cases) both.
  • Over 95% of staff indicate that they plan to participate in the new Navigate wellness program.

Over 200 team members shared a commitment for the 2019-20 year. It was exciting and inspiring to read them. Check them out for yourself!

Ideas shared for future consideration or common themes:

*Include a coffee truck

*Consider raising the temperature in the room

*Earmark more time to be in our disciplines

*Add more food trucks during lunch

*Project the speaker on all screens

*Consider a later start date 

Again, thanks for your feedback!  Although we can’t make it a perfect experience for everyone, we will use the feedback to make continual improvements.

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