As you know, Central Rivers AEA has been partnering with ESSDACK to provide various opportunities around INspired Leadership over the past few years. We consistently hear about how powerful the work is, and a desire to have additional development and growth opportunities around this work. We have had front row seats to experience the positive impact on our team members both professionally and personally. Since we believe strongly in the framework, we have made the conscious decision to continue evolving within our organization and share the opportunity with our LEA partners in the near future.
As we take steps to ease away from working with ESSDACK, we will begin to have an in-house staff member who is responsible for providing training opportunities, LMS content, and individual, group and mentoring coaching conversations. This 1.0 FTE position will be trained and earn certification through IPEC to be in a position to help staff become more aware, build resilience and lead consciously.
If interested in being considered for this position, please submit a letter of interest and resume to by March 14, 2022. This position is open to internal staff only at this time.
Job Description (NUSS position, 204 days; salary and location to be determined.)