Congratulations MaKenzie Hakeman & Rochelle Richards/Changes in Regional Administrator Assignments

We are excited to announce the hiring of two new Regional Administrators, MaKenzie Hakeman and Rochelle Richards, who will help to complete our Central Rivers AEA administrative team. In addition, a few shifts in oversight within sectors will take place to ensure that we have complimentary teams in place with backgrounds in both special education and school improvement. New assignments are as follows:

  • Northwest Sector: Melissa Hesner & Amber Dietz
  • Northeast Sector: Jody Albertson & MaKenzie Hakeman
  • South Sector: Greg Koppes & Heather Gould
  • East Sector: Ryan Andreassen & Rochelle Richards

Download and print the new Central Rivers AEA Sector Map for the 2024-25 school year.

Meet our new Regional Administrators

MaKenzie starts her new role with a wealth of experience including service as a math consultant, lead teacher in Waterloo Schools, and behavior focus teacher at Davenport Schools. She has a strong background in special education including master’s degrees in both educational leadership and special education. MaKenzie is passionate about fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment as well as closing the achievement gap.

MaKenzie Hakeman headshot
MaKenzie Hakeman

“Despite the turbulence, I consistently find hope and purpose in our AEA mission: to provide equitable, efficient, and effective services to prepare Iowa students for a life well lived. As a Regional Administrator, I believe our primary responsibility in the upcoming months is to wrap each other up with support, foster a sense of hope among our employees, and continue navigating challenges together while remaining true to our mission.”

Rochelle brings extensive experience in special education having served as a special education consultant and significant disabilities coordinator for the agency since 2017. She has taught at all levels including service as a high school teacher at River Hills School. Rochelle holds a master’s degree in teaching along with special education consultant and Strat I & II endorsements.

Rochelle Richards headshot
Rochelle Richards

“I am excited about the opportunity to learn more and help districts, teachers, students, and families navigate the educational system here in Iowa, especially in the area of Special Education. I am deeply committed to continuing to learn, lead staff, and support districts with what they need.”

We are confident that both MaKenzie and Rochelle will bring valuable insights and leadership to their new roles and that the additional shifts in oversight of sectors described above will put us in a winning position for 2024-25.

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