Guidelines for use of Google Apps at AEA 267

Google Apps for Education is a free suite of hosted communication and collaboration applications designed for schools and universities.  AEA 267 employees have access to a variety of Google tools including Google Docs, Google Calendar, Google Sites, Google Groups, etc.  AEA 267 employees do NOT have access to Google Mail (Gmail) and are expected to keep their Exchange calendar current.

The purpose of Google Apps at AEA 267 is for AEA 267-related work that supports the goals and objectives of AEA 267.  You should not use your AEA 267 Google Apps account for personal use and AEA 267-related work should reside in your AEA 267 Google Apps account, not in a personal Google account.

AEA 267’s Acceptable Use Policy also applies to the use of Google Apps.  When using your AEA 267 Google Apps account, AEA 267 manages and owns the data. Accounts can be suspended if there is a violation of the agency’s acceptable use policy.

As with any file, if an employee has a file(s) that is vital, it is the employee’s responsibility to back-up those files in multiple locations (e.g. download the file(s) from Google Docs to an AEA 267 server, an external hard drive, flash drive, or download all your data from Google using Google Takeout.)

In addition, AEA 267 employees are responsible for protecting confidential information and must adhere to AEA 267 policies and federal policies as outlined by the Family Educational Right and Responsibility Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).  AEA 267 employees are responsible for taking the necessary measures to ensure that confidential information is not shared inappropriately.

It is important and part of your professional responsibility as an AEA 267 employee to protect student and other personal information.  Keeping your passwords safe and secure is one way to ensure that this information is protected.  Keeping a list of passwords where they are easily viewed by others is a risky and unsafe practice, e.g. passwords written on scraps of paper, or listed in a text document on your computer.   Remember, the person whose name is on the account is responsible at all times for its proper use.

If you feel that your password has been compromised, contact AEA 267’s Information Tech as soon as possible and then change your password. The privacy and protection of personally identifiable student and employee data is of paramount importance.

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